Body Contouring - Exclusively in Hamburg

Duration of treatment
approx. 30 Minutes
Duration of Effect
3-6 Months

Bye-Bye Love Handles - Welcome Cold Laser!

Saddlebags, love handles, muffin tops - there are a lot of unattractive names for the unwelcome accumulations of excess subcutaneous fat. After all, the small pads on the hips, legs and buttocks are considered the natural enemies of our youthfulness and beauty. For this reason, invasive methods for eliminating fat cells, such as liposuction or fat freezing techniques (cryolipolysis), are becoming increasingly popular. As the first and only institute in Hamburg, I offer my patients a gentle as well as effective laser therapy for lasting fat reduction in the classic problem areas - with the only officially approved cold laser for cellulite treatment.

The effect of enlarged fat cells

Healthy fat cells secrete the hormone adiponectin, which has a wide range of effects on fat and sugar metabolism. It increases the sensitivity of the muscles and, together with other hormones, regulates the feeling of hunger and food intake. If the fat cells are not overfilled, less adiponectin is produced. People who are overweight usually have lower hormone blood levels. This increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and vascular disease. Conclusion: Enlarged fat cells can damage our entire body! The cold laser technique helps to naturally re-stimulate fat metabolism.

How to hit the reset button

First of all, it is important that they consider your fat cells as an organ and not as an enemy! Cutting out or killing these cells is not an optimal solution. It is important to send the right message to the brain. There is the traditional method of diet and exercise, in which 80% of people usually fail because of their willpower, but there is also an innovative approach: the low-level light laser.

The advantages of low-level light laser:

  • no pain
  • No recovery times
  • No operation

What is Low Level Laser Therapy?

The laser that I use in my practice is based on a procedure for reducing the size of the body that has been approved by the American health authorities since 2014. Numerous clinical studies (randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled) have proven its effectiveness: This body contouring method is suitable for reducing the size of the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, upper arm and chin and has been shown to improve cellulite by 1-2 degrees.

How does the laser work?

The low-level light laser triggers a natural process that does not attack or damage the fat cell. The treatment releases the lipids from the fat cells, causing them to collapse and shrink. This immediately reduces the girth of the body. Lipids travel through the lymphatic system to the liver, where they are broken down into free fatty acids and used as a source of energy for the cardiovascular system.

In order to be able to achieve optimal results, I recommend - depending on the condition of the skin and the desired result - 8-10 applications with the laser. The patient lies on his stomach and on his back for 20 minutes.

This process of metabolic activation and cleansing can, of course, only succeed if the patient adjusts his diet and exercise accordingly. I specifically address this in an introductory consultation.

Relax and detox with the Chi machine

In the Medical Institute for Beauty and Health Care of Dr. Janine Pantzek, the Chi machine is used. The chi machine is a part of the treatment to support the positive effect of a treatment with the low-level light laser. As the first and only practice in Hamburg, we offer gentle and effective laser therapy for sustainable fat reduction in classic problem areas. In combination with the chi machine, even more lasting success can be achieved. Invented by Japanese physician, Dr. Shizou Inoue, this device is a medical device, fitness trainer and meditation aid all in one. It relaxes the back, activates the metabolism and thus supports weight loss. Just 15 minutes of swinging in the original form of the movements achieves an increase in oxygen in the body that is otherwise only measurable after 45 minutes of tight walking in the fresh air. The body is trained and purified, the mind relaxed and the life energy activated and harmonized.

Erchonia Lasers Ltd

At the Medical Institute for Beauty and Health Care by Dr. Janine Pantzek, lasers from Erchonia Corporation are used.